Hi Dad!
How are you? The day before yesterday mom and me left, with the neighbors, to sleep a night in 2bayyet. It was fun. As much as i seem to be into all the new technology i really enjoy escaping from it. Up there i had the chance to log on to Facebook but just the thought of it repulsed me. So anyway, up there the weather was freezing. Just the way i like it. Unfortunately they told me that the temperature was exactly the same as Broumana so i was up there unprepared and the cold penetrated my bones. But i was happy. I'm not really a summer person (as in the weather. don't get me wrong i love the summer) but i really miss the cold. As we were walking in the Zouk, i felt the pain that you get to your knees when you're cold i forgot how much i liked the feeling. And then the... how do you call it...? that blister you get on you lip... well i had one too it felt so nice. Okay it must sound like I'm masochistic. But don't you have a pain you just like? Like a bruise when you press on it.. Or a aphtha (i think that's how it's called in french it's aphte) don't you like to press down on it? Anyhoo.. I have to go i have a huge commentary en french so...
I love you my Daddy
Your Daughter that misses you enormously