Hi Dad!
How are you? You know... today i noticed something really bad. So we received grades today in class (i did very well and got the fifth ± highest grade in physics) and a lot of my friends got really bad grade. and started crying so i went to cheer her up and to tell her that it's only a single grade and nothing to cry about. But you know what she told me? Not that she was upset about the grade. No. She was worried she was going to disappoint her mom. Now that doesn't sound right to me. Shouldn't she be crying about the grade? That's what bothers me. Her mom is putting pressure on her that all she is thinking about is the effect it will have on her mom. Shouldn't she be worried how a bad grade will affect her CV and her future? Parents put too much pressure to the point when a student before going in to do the test is actually stressing about not disappointing their parents than doing well. Does that seem normal to you? I think that a parent should talk to their son or daughter about the consequences of not working hard and thinking about their future. I don't know if i made sense or not.
Love you Daddy!
Miss you so much!
You daughter